
A global team,
united to innovate in software quality

We launched in 2016 with a test automation product that was an easier alternative than the legacy tools available, and quickly grew a passionate base of users. Since then, we’ve continued investing in the software quality community with additional products, learning content, and a worldwide partner network. Like our broad base of customers, our team spans the globe. We have offices in Atlanta, Ho Chi Minh City, and New Delhi and support a remote workforce model in all other locations around the world.
Our mission
Empower teams of all sizes to deliver exceptional digital experiences faster.
Our vision
We are admired as the leading innovator in software quality and have inspired countless companies to make quality the essential catalyst for growth.
Our core values
Be open
We use straight talk and transparent policies to build greater shared trust and move together toward the same goals. We are inclusive, welcoming, and approachable, creating a safe environment to build relationships, speak up, and find joy in our work.
Be the customer
Put yourself in our customers’ shoes: listen first and always, use our tools with their needs in mind, and be an authentic and active voice in the community. We build meaningful relationships with our customers and champion our community so we can better understand and support their needs through education, innovation, and dedication.
Work together, have fun
We believe in the value of collaborating in harmony to arrive at the best possible solutions. We ensure we enjoy the work we do and our people are supported so creativity can thrive. Working hard together is what allows us to be successful, and being successful is fun.
Innovate every day
We embrace innovation because we believe modernizing the world of testing requires us to think in different ways, push for real change, and create every day. We are biased towards action because our teammates and customers are counting on us to build the future of quality management.
Katalon creates a seamless testing experience for your teams
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Our reviews
Verified Reviewer
February 10, 2021
User rating
Love to use Katalon, it makes me really easy on doing automation. Newer version allows you to locate element easily using highlight function it recude my time to know
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Verified Reviewer
January 12, 2021
User rating
This product provides robust automation solutions for API, web and mobile testing. It supports a good amount of testing types, from API to Cross-browser
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Verified Reviewer
February 11, 2021
User rating
Katalon Studio is a pretty awesome tool for the automated UI and Services testing. Because of its capabilities, we were able to implement a fully automated process
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Noor Yeaser K
August 14, 2019
User rating
Now all my test scripts are built with this tool. I don't have to solely rely on tool to test backend APIs or Selenium Webdriver to test frontend web applications or tool to automate…
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Kshitija V
October 20, 2021
User rating
Katalon Studio fulfills our needs the best, it has record and play option, as well as scripting for masters in programmers and also it provides manual mode
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Keith B
August 14, 2019
User rating
The ability to bundle API automation and UI automation in one suite. Allows technical team to write Automations in Selenium and JUnit assertions while allowing non-technical team...
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November 29, 2021
User rating
I find Katalon Studio to be a very complete product. Our clients have requested all types of testing, including mobile, desktop, and API ...
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Bary Reyes
August 11, 2020
User rating
It is good for API testing. It is also good for continuous integration testing. You can connect it to Jenkins…
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October 8, 2021
User rating
Good support, reasonable price, and allows us to define a model to represent a website and reuse its components. I like the feature…
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Apr 25, 2021
User rating
Katalon is a complete automation testing toolset that is tied up together. Katalon TestOps helps qa engineer to visualize their test results and test reports in real time…
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Stanislav (Chocho) D
Dec 14, 2020
User rating
Human understandable UX design, user-friendly to record, edit, organise and analyse test cases. Supports web, computer and mobile application. Can be integrated with many...
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Jeremiah S
Sep 15, 2020
User rating
Katalon Studio presents a powerful platform to setup automation and/or testing environments. It's ability to capture Web functionality…
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Verified Reviewer
February 10, 2021
User rating
Love to use Katalon, it makes me really easy on doing automation. Newer version allows you to locate element easily using highlight function it recude my time to know
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Verified Reviewer
January 12, 2021
User rating
This product provides robust automation solutions for API, web and mobile testing. It supports a good amount of testing types, from API to Cross-browser
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Verified Reviewer
February 11, 2021
User rating
Katalon Studio is a pretty awesome tool for the automated UI and Services testing. Because of its capabilities, we were able to implement a fully automated process
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Let your career thrive at Katalon
Working with us is more than just another job. You get to be part of a vibrant global community on a common mission. Together we strive to provide a positive impact to the software development community and along the way grow ourselves and create rich life experiences.
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